Are You Ready To Put Your Internet Profits Into
How To Crank Out An Endless Stream Of Your Own
Hugely Profitable Info Products Without Ever Typing A
Single Word Yourself!"
If You
Hate Writing But Love Cash Then Here's A Solution
That'll Give You 5 Brand New Ebooks With Private
Label Rights, 300+ Private Label Rights Articles, An
Entire Years Worth Of Re-usable Marketing Related
Content And More!
An Offer That Makes A 50:50 Split Affiliate Program Look
Like A Kick In The Teeth With Dirty Boots !
Fellow Internet Marketer,
I’m sure you have heard it before: “you must have your
own products in order to make real money online”
All the biggest names in marketing sell their own
products, and in those products they teach the
importance of having your own products!
Why? Simply because it gives
you the flexibility to make money a lot of different
When you have your own products you can:
Sell them on their own mini sites.
Put together bigger more expensive information products
out of the ones you already own (simply compile a few
e-books together and you will have one huge info product
you can charge hundreds of dollars for!)
Sell resell rights to your products. Resell rights are
very hot right now, because most people simply don’t
have the time, money and effort it takes to create their
own products…
Update and ad to your products if they become a little
outdated so you can keep making money with them as long
as you want.
Develop free online courses so you can collect thousands
of targeted leads you can market to any time you want.
Cut up your already existing products and make smaller
more targeted products out of them. You can either sell
these on their own mini sites or even sell resell rights
to other people!
Convert them to audio or video courses and sell them for
huge profits.
When it comes to making money with your own products,
the possibilities are endless!
But there's a problem:
developing your own products takes weeks if not months
of research plus a lot of effort, dedication, money and
time. And that’s before you even start selling the
product and seeing any profits from it!
Or if you don’t want to create your own product, you can
do what the big names in internet marketing do: hire a
ghost writer. But that's very expensive. You could be
looking at thousands of dollars for just one product.
So what’s the solution?
It’s really quite
simple… All you have to do is skip that whole time
consuming, back breaking and expensive step of actually
developing your own products. And start making
money right away instead of just thinking about it while trying to create products
on your own.
And that is exactly what this special package is all about!
Because I’m going to give you not one but
brand new Private Label Rights reports that you can do
And remember when you get
to the end of this letter I'm going to throw in a twist,
that could add hundreds, if not thousands of
dollars to your profits almost overnight -
take a look at the brand new products you can be calling
your own within 5 minutes:
Private Label Rights To
Unlocking The Niche Code:
Unlocking The Niche Code
will show you in expert detail how to research the
moneymaking potential of any niche market.
Using this
step-by-step approach will ensure you find the best
niches in which to market a product or service and
maximise your profits every time.
Are You Making This Same Mistake?
selling products, most people make the mistake of
developing the product first, and then trying to find a
market for it.
Ultimately you'll work
harder and make less...
The Key is to find markets
first that spend money, then find out what they want and
give it to them.
But you already knew
that didn't you? The problem is that 'doing'
research is easier said than done. Most people
just don't know where to start . . . Well help is at
hand - 'Unlocking The Niche Code' will
explain how to conduct your research the easy way -
You'll discover where to look to find most of the work
for you already and what to do to connect all the dots.
This is a straightforward,
short and fluff free guide that will ensure that every
product you launch has a hot and hungry crowd ready and
waiting to snap it up.
Get The Full
Private Label Rights To This Book (Raw Word .Doc &
PDF + PSD Cover)
[Yes] Can be given away.
[Yes] Can be packaged.
[Yes] Can be offered as a bonus.
[Yes] Can Be Edited Completely and Your Name Put on it.
[Yes] Can be used as web content
[Yes] Can be broken down into articles
[Yes] Can be added to paid membership sites
[Yes] Can be offered through auction sites.
[Yes] Can sell Resale Rights
[Yes] Can sell Master Resale Rights
[Yes] Can sell Private Label Rights |
Private Label Rights To
10 Ways To Write More Effective Ads:
The purpose of a
copywriter's job is to sell. Period. Online
or in print selling is accomplished by persuasion using
the written word. Some people find this easy,
while for most, writing effective copy an uphill
If you've ever spent
sleepless nights worrying why your product(s) aren't
selling then worry no more . . .
The 10 easy to follow,
sales copy strategies revealed in '10
Ways To Write More Effective Ads'
are time-tested and known to be effective. You may
be surprised but sometimes a little tweak here or there
is all that is needed to increase response rates
dramatically. You'll quickly learn how to put
what's wrong right and how to make what's working
already into overdrive...
This is a fast reading,
fluff free and profit boosting guide that will help you
turn that trickle of sales into a flood.
Get The
Full Private Label Rights To This Book (Raw Word .Doc
& PDF + PSD Cover)
[Yes] Can be given away.
[Yes] Can be packaged.
[Yes] Can be offered as a bonus.
[Yes] Can Be Edited Completely and Your Name Put on it.
[Yes] Can be used as web content
[Yes] Can be broken down into articles
[Yes] Can be added to paid membership sites
[Yes] Can be offered through auction sites.
[Yes] Can sell Resale Rights
[Yes] Can sell Master Resale Rights
[Yes] Can sell Private Label Rights |
Private Label Rights To
Powerful Offline Marketing:
Discover the 101 ways to
promote your business for maximum profits.
This comprehensive book
will show you how to put creative marketing, free
publicity, and strategic joint ventures to work for your
business so you can sit back and watch your profits
Quite simply Powerful
Offline Marketing is a feast of business promotion
tips that covers both traditional methods through to
advance guerrilla marketing techniques.
With the incredible amount
of of info why not break up the content into mini
courses, training materials - you could even repackage
this as an ultra high-end, offline business manual and
rake in huge profits.
Get The
Full Private Label Rights To This Book (Raw Word .Doc
& PDF + PSD Cover)
[Yes] Can be given away.
[Yes] Can be packaged.
[Yes] Can be offered as a bonus.
[Yes] Can Be Edited Completely and Your Name Put on it.
[Yes] Can be used as web content
[Yes] Can be broken down into articles
[Yes] Can be added to paid membership sites
[Yes] Can be offered through auction sites.
[Yes] Can sell Resale Rights
[Yes] Can sell Master Resale Rights
[Yes] Can sell Private Label Rights |
Private Label Rights To
Change Your Mind Change Your Life:
When did you begin to
choose the life you are leading now? When did you decide
on the job you have, and against the job you want? When
did you decide that the money you make now is all you
can make? Did you decide?
Change Your Mind, Change Your Life is a book
about your future and the decisions you are making
today, which will create that future.
"Determination and belief are the starting points for
success. They open you to new opportunities to do and be
anything you desire, and you only need a subconscious
thought to plant the seed. How do we do this?"
This book is based on real answers to that question.
Change your Mind, Change your Life
today, and start putting focus and energy into your own
Get The
Full Private Label Rights To This Book (Raw Word .Doc
, PDF, Exe, Sales Page, Graphic Pack, Articles, Keywords +
[Yes] Includes Sales Page
[No] Can be given away.
[Yes] Can be packaged.
[Yes] Can be offered as a bonus.
[Yes] Can Be Edited Completely and Your Name Put on it.
[No] Can be used as web content
[No] Can be broken down into articles
[Yes] Can be added to paid membership sites
[No] Can be offered through auction sites.
[Yes] Can sell Resale Rights
[Yes] Can sell Master Resale Rights
[Yes] Can sell Private Label Rights
[No] Can claim copyright |
Private Label Rights To
7 Days To Easy Money:
Would you like to GET
PAID to write a book? If you're thinking this
is plain fantasy, think again. All professional writers
get paid to write their books.
How? They sell their books via proposals before
they write the books. 7 Days To Easy-Money:
Get Paid To Write A Book gives you a complete method.
The ebook shows you EXACTLY HOW to write and SELL.
You can be a published
author much faster than you imagine. This
great resource includes samples, exercises, AND a
complete proposal which sold its first time out:
(Everything you and your customers need to know to write
a SALEABLE book proposal.)
Get The
Full Private Label Rights To This Book (Raw Word .Doc
& PDF, Sales Copy + PSD Cover)
[YES] Includes Sales Page
(copy only in MS Word)
[YES] Can be given away.
[YES] Can be packaged.
[YES] Can be offered as a bonus.
[YES] Can Be Edited Completely and Your Name Put on it.
[YES] Can be used as web content
[YES] Can be broken down into articles
[YES] Can be added to paid membership sites
[YES] Can be offered through auction sites.
[YES] Can sell Resale Rights
[YES] Can sell Master Resale Rights
[YES] Can sell Private Label Rights |
Grab These 4
MONSTER Private Label Rights Packages: |

[YES] Can be given away.
[YES] Can be packaged.
[YES] Can be offered as a bonus.
[YES] Can Be Edited Completely and Your Name Put on it.
[YES] Can be used as web content
[YES] Can be broken down into articles
[YES] Can be added to paid membership sites
[YES] Can be offered through auction sites.
[YES] Can sell Resale Rights
[YES] Can sell Master Resale Rights
[YES] Can sell Private Label Rights |

[YES] Can be given away.
[YES] Can be packaged.
[YES] Can be offered as a bonus.
[YES] Can Be Edited Completely and Your Name Put on it.
[YES] Can be used as web content
[YES] Can be broken down into articles
[YES] Can be added to paid membership sites
[YES] Can be offered through auction sites.
[YES] Can sell Resale Rights
[YES] Can sell Master Resale Rights
[YES] Can sell Private Label Rights |

[Yes] Can be given away.
[Yes] Can be packaged.
[Yes] Can be offered as a bonus.
[YES] Can Be Edited Completely and Your Name Put on it.
[YES] Can be used as web content
[YES] Can be broken down into articles
[YES] Can RESELL Articles
[Yes] Can Sell Private Label Rights
[No] Can claim copyright |

[Yes] Can be given away.
[Yes] Can be packaged.
[Yes] Can be offered as a bonus.
[YES] Can Be Edited Completely and Your Name Put on it.
[YES] Can be used as web content
[YES] Can be broken down into articles
[YES] Can RESELL Articles
[Yes] Can Sell Private Label Rights |
Grab This
HOT! Bonus...

Discover How 'Mr
X' Built An Online Business Making Over
A Month (Mostly Profit) In Just 16 Weeks...
This is the transcript of the first
ever public interview 'Mr X' has given.
Here's a very quick background on 'Mr X'
And What You'll Learn:
Since 1980, he's owned many, many successful businesses,
making millions in the process offline and online.
How he started a web business with almost zero
investment and built it up to making over $100,000 a
month in consistent sales (mostly profit) in less than
four months.
How he acquired the rights to a piece of software which
was selling for $29.95 ... and within weeks was very
successfully selling it for $495 a copy, making up to
$40,000 a week in sales.
How he sold many business franchise opportunities for
$4,000 a sale from just one single sales letter.
And much more...
Extra PLR Bonus #2
The Power Of Creative
Selling -
Full Master Reprint Rights
Owning this massive 427 page Public Domain book is a real
privilege. 'I Stubbed My Toe', the opening chapter is
just a joy to read and very funny. You are free to
sell this information in any way you choose. This comes
in MS word format so you can brand it, re-edit it etc.
PLR Bonus #3
Masters of Copywriting -
Full Reprint Rights
This is an incredible "re-discovered" course written by the
masters of copywriting from the 1930's with contributions
from the greatest copywriter of all time, Claude C. Hopkins!
Other contributors were H. Harry Thompson, Joseph Appel,
Bruce Barton, J.K. Fraser, Ben Nash, Kenneth Goode and many
more notables in the field of copywriting at the time.
Owning this book
(Almost 400 pages) is like discovering buried treasure.
Whatever you sell online or offline having the ability to
create persuasive copy that can get people to do what you
want them to do is the real key to a lifetime of wealth. The
Masters of Copywriting course is like having a Ph.D. in
PLR Bonus #4
To Retire Without Any Money-
Full Master Reprint Rights
How To Retire Without Any Money is a Public Domain book that
has been recently updated to meet today's times. (It was
professionally edited and brought back to life to create an
exceptional product.) This superb information still stands
true today and you can resell in any way you wish.
This comes in MS word format so you can brand it,
re-edit it etc. |
PLR Bonus #5
The Low Fat Way To Health
And A Longer Life
Full Master Resell
Massive 235 page
manual titled The Low Fat Way To Health And A Longer
Life comes with full master rights. You can resell this
manual in any way you wish. You can simply sell the manual
as a niche product, you can sell it with rights to other
marketers, its your product to do with as you please. This
comes in MS word format so you can brand it,
re-edit it etc. |

I'm sure you like this offer.
are quality products and excellent bonuses!
You'll be getting your hands on so
much private label content here you may never have to
write a word of content yourself again.
Now most marketers I know would set
something like this offer up with an affiliate program -
so you could earn 50% commissions for promoting it after
you become a customer (always seemed a little crazy
to me seeing as your getting private label rights).
But not this
Instead you get
a your own REPLICA of this web site so you can sell this
entire package yourself and keep every single penny.
By all means rework these excellent
titles, add your own bonuses and make them your own -
But if you want to order and recover your own costs FAST
then simply upload your
copy of this site and promote the stink out of it.
YES! I'm giving
you the keys to the castle here and I recommend you
snatch them before I change my mind.
Do the math - Every package you sell
after the first one is pure profit - And every time you
sell one of the titles on their own it's money in the
In Summary
You'll Receive:
Unlocking The Niche Code |
10 Ways To Write More Effective Ads |
Powerful Offline Marketing |
Change Your Mind Change Your Life |
7 Days To Easy Money |
Private Label Empire (300+ PLR Articles) |
Private Label Empire (A Year Of Content) |
Health & Fitness Article Pack |
Traffic & SEO Article Pack |
Mr. X Reveals All |
Power Of Creative Selling |
Masters of Copywriting |
How To
Retire Without Any Money |
Low Fat Way To Health
And A Longer Life |
Your Ready To Use Replica Web Site |
Mystery PLR Training Bonus (see below) |
If that sounds like the
kind of deal you like then I suggest you act fast and
get it now.
Get The Entire Package &
This Reseller Site For Just $97.00
For my subscribers only,
for a limited time:
Get this Total
Package for $27.00
Do not hesitate because
this offer may not be here for long!
Get Automated Instant Access Even If It's 3.00 AM
There are no refunds -
Seriously, you are getting UNRESTRICTED PRIVATE LABEL RIGHTS to this incredible
package - If you're worried you can't make money with them then this probably isn't for you -
I cannot offer you a refund, (not because the material is poor and I'm worried you'll ask for your money back), but because it's impossible for me to police - Once customers have downloaded the source files I have no way of maintaining any control. So once you buy this it's yours for keeps -
If you feel that this is not for you because of the 'No Refund' policy you're right - Please leave the licence for someone else.