Debt Free Journey

Helping you make sense of your money

Best Rewards Credit Cards

Best Rewards Credit Cards. If you are one of the smart people who pays your credit card balance off each month, you should definitely be taking advantage of rewards credit cards! If you do not, stay away from these cards. You will eat your rewards up in interest fees....

Credit Cards Comparison

Before we get into credit cards comparison, let’s talk about exactly what credit cards are and a little history. When I was a young boy I can’t ever remember my Dad using a Credit Card. Credit and Credit Cards were frowned upon by most people. You were...

Eliminate Credit Card Debt Without Bankruptcy

A lot of people ask: “How can I eliminate credit card debt without bankruptcy?” I hate the word bankruptcy. Seems like an easy out for some people. I do not think that you will want to pay the price of a bankruptcy. This black mark will stay with you for a...