Debt Free Journey

Helping you make sense of your money

4 Steps To Consumer Debt Reduction

Let’s face it, the economy is not as strong as it could be, and while it’s struggling along, more and more people are finding themselves getting deeper and deeper into debt. The sad thing is that, most likely, none of this debt is your fault. After all,...

A Simple Debt Reduction Strategy

While big corporations may have good reasons for carrying a lot of debt, the average person does not. The sad truth is that debt is a growing problem, and people are having a hard time getting out of it. If this sounds familiar, then you are not alone. What you need...

Best Debt Reduction Methods

Let’s be blunt…debt sucks! While that word may not be the most professional, it certainly sums it up quite nicely. The sad part is that being in debt isn’t really your fault. You had every intention of paying what you owe, but then something...

Business Debt Reduction

Business debt reduction is something a lot of companies need to take seriously, and take action on. It’s one thing for a business owner to say they understand the importance of having less debt and a healthier bottom line, and quite another for them to actually...

How Do I Gain Financial Freedom

How Do I Gain Financial Freedom It seems that the tougher times get in the economy, the more people start to reevaluate their situation financially and ask the question “how do I gain financial freedom?” For most people the answer really isn’t all...